January 10 , 2020 /


Carla Silver, a friend and colleague, Executive Director of Leadership and Design, (www.leadershipanddesign.org) chose her #OneWord2020 and it is BUILD. While it may not come as a great surprise to those who know Carla and her team’s work at L+D, that word BUILD connected with my #OneWord2020 TIME in ways I had not imagined. One

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November 25 , 2019 /


This week of Thanksgiving is an opportunity to expand your circle of gratitude to be more inclusive to take some additional time to thank people personally who serve all the time in one way or another,  Make it a point each day to consciously and intentionally go the extra mile, speak directly a word of

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October 19 , 2019 /


Much is said about letting go of a burden in order to lighten our load or letting go of an older, outmoded practice or habit in order to embrace a new and better one.  Letting go is not as easy as it sounds, because we may have become attached to what we believe is the

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July 19 , 2019 /


There is an unhealthy atmosphere in the current political climate. The most effective way to remove the prevailing onerous, as well as odorous, conditions is to remove the source. We know which actions make conditions worse and which make conditions better. If you want to help improve the situation and clear the air you know

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July 4 , 2019 /


                                                                                 July 4, 1776 – July 4, 2019 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all (Men and Women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among

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April 12 , 2019 /


While driving through Texas this past week (OKC to Houston to Santa Fe) we stayed at two Texas State Parks, highly recommended (Lake Fairfield and South Llano River).  We also hunkered down in Houston for several days near the huge medical center, much of which is operated under the University of Texas logo.  While negotiating

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