April 6 , 2019 /


(This is a reprise from 6 years ago and it still applies in the present, so herewith for your review.  Seems it’s the old what goes around comes around) There is an article called “Six Ways to Become a Wise Leader” by Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou  (good advice) and it reminded me of so

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March 31 , 2019 /


If you want to make a change, believe you know what to do and still can’t seem to do it, then what?  It’s both complex and simple.  Many people do not understand either the complexity or the simplicity.   According to research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology there is an interconnected web of psychological, chemical

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February 24 , 2019 /


For those who work hard, who work long hours, and are deeply engrossed in a particular job, a common fault seems to be that they do not take time out very often for their own renewal. The missing ingredient may be a plan that includes a commitment to honor the process of renewal and figure

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October 18 , 2018 /


“Taking time off” is an interesting phrase because time is never off.  Like it says in the old ads for Timex, it just keeps on ticking and one day, we will run out of time, or walk out, or lie down and check out.  Think of some of the amusing ways people speak about time. 

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June 19 , 2018 /


This year it’s June 21, at 10:07 GMT and you can figure out the exact time where you are with an easy converter.   For us here in PDT in the USA it’s 3:07 AM and I doubt we’ll be up then, but soon afterwards to at least watch the sun rise at it’s northernmost point

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April 22 , 2018 /

Earth Day Lessons

A friend, Alli Polin, commented recently, “We think transitions are endings but they’re really what the word is all about… movement including the time in between landings.”  That stuck with me for some reason so I explored it a little further, that phrase “the time in between landings” being particularly resonant.   Here was my

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