May 10 , 2022 /


Years ago I wondered how INTEL got its name thinking it might have had something to do with intelligence, you know, computers as smart machines. Only partly right. Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968 by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andy

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April 8 , 2022 /


When I had the opportunity to shift from full-time to part-time work, I wasn’t sure how to make that transition easily or in a timely way.  Do I just flip the switch and go from full-time, whatever that is, to part-time, whatever that is?  I had to first assess the time factors and define hours

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April 1 , 2022 /


This post is about COACHING, not the basketball kind, although it is the end of March and the end to the march to the Final Four.  The title is a double entendre and I am using the analogy to illustrate some similarities.   I filled out my bracket and picked the Final Four who will

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March 26 , 2022 /


Every choice we have made has brought us to where we are at this moment in time.  That and the choices we make today will likely influence where we’re headed tomorrow. Here is one story that illustrates the inevitable choice > consequence (result) equation.  Name is changed to protect privacy. 1 – Andrew, who did

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March 22 , 2022 /


When did the shift occur when companies, including grocery stores and department stores, started wanting customers to do what they did previously?  Examples are self-checkout and online apps for financial services, communication, health care, government agencies, and others.  It seems like an ill-informed move toward cost-cutting by having fewer or lower paid employees.  Now we

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March 14 , 2022 /


I may be a day “late” for this blog but wait!  If I don’t believe in being “on time” then I can’t be “”late.”  The truth is that I may be a little obsessive about being on time as I value other people’s time and honoring a commitment that is set for a certain day

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