February 5 , 2018 /

JUST SAY NO…to Retirement

Many people say to write about what you know and I will give that a shot here with the following thoughts and experiences and keep them brief and to the point. That’s a self-reminder not to get carried away and off on some other tangent that comes to mind while writing. It happens. You know,

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January 24 , 2018 /

Fifty-Five Words: Count ’em

A few years ago I started a writing exercise. Short vignettes in 55 words With a photo for each one. I saved and filed them, Added a few more along the way. Now I’m in the design and layout stage. Publication is slated for June. The proposed title “Pearls From An Irritated Mind” Makes me

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June 23 , 2017 /

Passing 80: Conversation with Self

That’s how fast you drive on the Interstates in the West? Yes, but that’s not what I’m thinking about and I promise to keep it brief. OK, go. You celebrate your 80th birthday tomorrow and start your 81st year. What do you think about that? What do you make of that? I feel enormous gratitude

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March 10 , 2017 /


This started by my wondering how INTEL got its name thinking it might have had something to do with intelligence, you know, computers as smart machines. Only partly right. Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968 by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of

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October 21 , 2016 /


Writing gives me the opportunity to reflect on my thoughts, observations and experiences in ways that I can see, hear and understand more clearly. I can share those thoughts, observations and experiences with others who may be interested, and if they’re not, that’s OK too. Writing offers me a catalog or menu from which I

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