April 1 , 2018 /


About six years ago I wrote the following article based on a letter to a friend of mine who was about to give a commencement speech.  For those us who have done that on more than a few occasions, we know that it’s hard to come up with something that’s worth listening to at a

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March 8 , 2018 /


March 4 , 2018 /

D.Q. in 3-D

There is a lot of talk about emotional intelligence, popularized by Daniel Goleman in his book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than I.Q.   If you have not heard of  D.Q. or “Desire Quotient” consider this. Stephen Covey, has four “Q’s” which are all described as intelligence – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  I

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February 18 , 2018 /


Imagine the following conversation: You:   You worked 50 years and only learned 10 lessons? Me:     Well, actually, I’m still working and I’m still learning. You:   What do you mean, you’re still working? Me:     What I said, I’m still working. I’m teaching, consulting, counseling, writing, speaking, doing whatever I want to do. You:   Wait a minute,

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February 5 , 2018 /

JUST SAY NO…to Retirement

Many people say to write about what you know and I will give that a shot here with the following thoughts and experiences and keep them brief and to the point. That’s a self-reminder not to get carried away and off on some other tangent that comes to mind while writing. It happens. You know,

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January 24 , 2018 /

Fifty-Five Words: Count ’em

A few years ago I started a writing exercise. Short vignettes in 55 words With a photo for each one. I saved and filed them, Added a few more along the way. Now I’m in the design and layout stage. Publication is slated for June. The proposed title “Pearls From An Irritated Mind” Makes me

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