June 24 , 2018 /


“At eighty, one can take a long view and have a vivid, lived sense of history not possible at an earlier age…I do not think of age as an ever grimmer time that one must somehow endure and make the best of, but as a time of leisure and freedom, freed from the factious urgencies

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June 19 , 2018 /


This year it’s June 21, at 10:07 GMT and you can figure out the exact time where you are with an easy converter.   For us here in PDT in the USA it’s 3:07 AM and I doubt we’ll be up then, but soon afterwards to at least watch the sun rise at it’s northernmost point

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May 26 , 2018 /

A Different Commencement

It’s that time of year again, graduations at high schools, colleges and universities across the country and 3.6 million high school seniors walking across the stage and picking up diplomas.  Have a brief look at this and the conclusions. Greenville High School, Greenville, Ohio, Class of 1955   (Greenville is a town of some 12,000 people

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May 17 , 2018 /


I read a piece recently touting the achievements of the top performers in a given field.  At this point I can’t remember if it was the top 10, 20 or 100 and that doesn’t’ matter.  It started me thinking, an often dangerous and subversive activity.  My friends call it disruptive and that fits too.  Here

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May 13 , 2018 /


Think about 3.6 million high school graduates this Spring who have spent 13 or more years in school.  They have been tied to a curriculum that has good intentions for expanding the student’s world of knowledge, understanding and skills requisite for a good education.  How then do you answer the  question, “What are the marks

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April 29 , 2018 /


DIMENSIONS OF AGING – CHANGE IS CERTAIN – EITHER PLANNED OR UNPLANNED There are five dimensions of human activity that are interrelated and interdependent. Those are the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of ourselves and our relationships with others. We tend to treat people along one dimension and focus our energy, time and resources

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