February 5 , 2018 /

JUST SAY NO…to Retirement

Many people say to write about what you know and I will give that a shot here with the following thoughts and experiences and keep them brief and to the point. That’s a self-reminder not to get carried away and off on some other tangent that comes to mind while writing. It happens. You know,

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January 24 , 2018 /

Fifty-Five Words: Count ’em

A few years ago I started a writing exercise. Short vignettes in 55 words With a photo for each one. I saved and filed them, Added a few more along the way. Now I’m in the design and layout stage. Publication is slated for June. The proposed title “Pearls From An Irritated Mind” Makes me

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January 8 , 2018 /


Five years ago I published a brief memoir, Seven Decades: A Learning Memoir (River House Press 2013) and that record of watershed learning experiences ends with 2010, the most recently completed decade as I counted them. Since then, I’ve mused on what I have continued to learn and experience as I move toward a yet

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December 28 , 2017 /


As we come to the end of yet another year and look ahead to the next one, what are we to make of this experience? Is it one more review of what happened and how we responded? Is it one more time to make promises to ourselves that next year will be different? Or could

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October 26 , 2017 /


Every one of us goes through and, in fact, we are going through various life transitions, much of the time, one way or another. Living is organic & dynamic, seldom static or unchanging. What we see frequently are people not preparing for whatever might be next and there is one compelling reason. It is not

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September 2 , 2017 /

“Come Labor On”

There’s an old Scottish hymn and the last verse is: “Come, labor on. No time for rest, till glows the western sky, till the long shadows o’er our pathway lie, and a glad sound comes with the setting sun, ‘Well done, well done!’” I sang that hymn numerous times but had not remembered it until

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