September 15 , 2022 /


My maternal grandfather was a descendant of the gatherers.  He was a forager in the woods, especially in late Summer and early Fall for berries, nuts, mushrooms and paw paws. He also gathered many other things including “pieces of string too short to save.”  He would put them in a shoe box with that written

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August 22 , 2022 /


Consider that we have a pressing need for clarity.   I was reminded of this in 2016 with the election of TFG and the failure to see clearly what was happening.   It was “The Emperor’s New Clothes” all over the place and for whatever reasons, besides money, power and greed, those in responsible positions seemed unwilling

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July 11 , 2022 /


Some years ago I posed a question about what people were curious about and here are the responses of seven people with these questions and musings.  I commend them to you in the interest of your own curiosity.    CS Why do I (and many others as we get older) wake up at 3 am?

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June 21 , 2022 /


Today, June 21, marks the “official” end of Spring, the “official” beginning of Summer. Regardless of the calendar formality, you’re free to celebrate on your own schedule. You can read all the details about why that occurs here: It’s a lot about the earth’s relationship to the sun. It’s also about our relationship to

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April 8 , 2022 /


When I had the opportunity to shift from full-time to part-time work, I wasn’t sure how to make that transition easily or in a timely way.  Do I just flip the switch and go from full-time, whatever that is, to part-time, whatever that is?  I had to first assess the time factors and define hours

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March 14 , 2022 /


I may be a day “late” for this blog but wait!  If I don’t believe in being “on time” then I can’t be “”late.”  The truth is that I may be a little obsessive about being on time as I value other people’s time and honoring a commitment that is set for a certain day

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