January 31 , 2018 /


Whether at work, at home or out in public, here are 7 behaviors for your consideration, reflection and review. These behaviors are generally well-known and obvious to those who practice them regularly. However, there are many for whom these might well enhance their performance and productivity. 1 – Exceed expectations – Go beyond the ordinary

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January 19 , 2018 /


No, it’s not about coffee stains on your favorite tie. It’s about two separate stories told by one of my favorite management gurus, Tom Peters. He and I exchange quips via Twitter from time to time and a recent one reminded me of these stories of customer service and how they apply to organizations, certainly

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January 18 , 2018 /


March 17, 2017 My background includes training in a type of psychotherapy that resulted in a practice of educating, counseling, mentoring and consulting over some 43 years. Thus my work was based on client-centered change that I began in the early seventies, much of it based on Rogers, Maslow and Perls. One thing that I

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January 9 , 2018 /


As Oprah said, “Speaking your truth is the most powerful weapon we have.” It’s probably the best “weapon” there is to fight injustice, inequality and prejudice. Telling it like it is may not go down well with a lot of people who are invested in the status quo, nor should it go down well. I

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December 28 , 2017 /


As we come to the end of yet another year and look ahead to the next one, what are we to make of this experience? Is it one more review of what happened and how we responded? Is it one more time to make promises to ourselves that next year will be different? Or could

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December 10 , 2017 /

EAGERSHIP – Eagerness to Lead

EAGERSHIP – the ability, appetite and desire to lead…..eager leadership Ten characteristics of the eager leader: Earned respect, trust and confidence from others Integrity, honesty, transparency Professional behavior and appearance Excellent communication skills, both verbal & written Knowledge based on experience, research, hard work Capacity to make difficult decisions and make them stick Skill in

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