July 8 , 2018 /


THE POWER OF NOW Here is a group of students who understand the Power of Now and have taken it upon themselves to make a difference.  These are the kids from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas School in Parkland Florida, the survivors of the horrific attack who saw 14 of their classmates and 3 staff members shot

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July 1 , 2018 /


What is a connection?  Two entities making contact?  For a moment in time? For several moments, or a week, month or year?  Or more?   When we talk of electrical circuits, including the brain, we sometimes refer to a disconnect.  When something or someone becomes unplugged and loses a power source, all kinds of interesting things

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June 24 , 2018 /


“At eighty, one can take a long view and have a vivid, lived sense of history not possible at an earlier age…I do not think of age as an ever grimmer time that one must somehow endure and make the best of, but as a time of leisure and freedom, freed from the factious urgencies

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April 13 , 2018 /

Whitney Johnson & WD40

Whitney Johnson has a new book out called “Build an A-Team: Play to Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve.”    She starts out her current newsletter to promote her book with a story about WD 40, the recognizable brand of lubricant in the yellow and blue can.  I thought it had been around

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April 1 , 2018 /


About six years ago I wrote the following article based on a letter to a friend of mine who was about to give a commencement speech.  For those us who have done that on more than a few occasions, we know that it’s hard to come up with something that’s worth listening to at a

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March 22 , 2018 /


As of this writing, March 22, 2018, there have been 18 school shootings since the beginning of the year. This is Day 81 which means one shooter every 4.5 days has used a school as the object of what seems like unresolved and untreated anger, or frustration, and/or isolation. We say that the mental health

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