September 11 , 2022 /


Sitting outside with coffee in hand, I say to S, “I need to do something creative or productive today.”   She says, “Give me an example.”   Me: “I need to look for a good writing workshop that fits where I am and who I am with my writing.”   She: “Do it.”  So, I begin researching among

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September 7 , 2022 /

PS for LABOR DAY 2022

PS for There are numerous workers who make my life easier, better or more productive and I want to list them by category and thank a number of them personally for their good work. Here are my top ten: 1. Medical personnel including doctors, nurses, technicians and administrators 2. Police, fire, safety and sanitation

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September 4 , 2022 /

LABOR DAY 2022 *

One of my favorite hymns was written by Jane Laurie Borthwick in 1819, an old Scottish hymn set to a familiar tune, “Ora Labora” by T. Tertius Noble in 1918. Noble was an English born organist who moved to the United States and eventually was the organist at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in NYC.   Borthwick

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August 16 , 2022 /


It is that time of year again where millions of K-12 students and over 3 million teachers head to school.  Not back, forward.   Remember that you were once sitting where your students are and it may be at least partly because of that experience that you are where you are today as educators. What

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July 8 , 2022 /


GUEST POST from Rashmir written a few days before Boris’ bye-bye.  My good friend, Rashmir, has brilliant insights about many things and I believe she shows a deep understanding of our human condition, thus I am grateful she has given me the opportunity to share her recent newsletter with all of you. The boldface type

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July 1 , 2022 /


My background includes a type of psychotherapy that resulted in a practice of educating, counseling, mentoring and consulting over some 43 years. My training was focused on client-centered change that I began in the early seventies, much of it based on Rogers, Maslow and Perls. One thing that I learned was that regardless of the

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