April 8 , 2022 /


When I had the opportunity to shift from full-time to part-time work, I wasn’t sure how to make that transition easily or in a timely way.  Do I just flip the switch and go from full-time, whatever that is, to part-time, whatever that is?  I had to first assess the time factors and define hours

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March 9 , 2022 /


A friend whom I hold in high regard said recently:  “It’s really challenging to stay connected to light during these dark days.” Part of my response was “Equinox is coming March 20.”  I know there are many ways to stay connected to light and this calendar event that happens twice a year is all about

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March 5 , 2022 /


Rashmir Balasubramaniam is a friend who lives and works in the UK as a thought leader and transformational coach.  I have come to know her as someone with whom I share many thoughts and impressions as we wend our way through these days and times. She posted this Mar 1 note recently that prompted what

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February 21 , 2022 /


For whatever reason, the Greek word pneuma (πνεῦμα) came into my mind one morning recently on awakening.  You will recognize the English words pneumatic and pneumonia both of which have to do with air.  Pneumatic tools are driven by compressed air and pneumonia is characterized by infected lungs thus affecting our ability to breathe.  Pneuma

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February 3 , 2022 /


While I was walking one morning recently, meditating while walking, highly recommended by the late Thich Nhat Hanh, I recalled several times in my life when I stepped into a new experience without knowing what the outcome might be. I was leaving the old and familiar behind and setting off on a new path, a

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January 27 , 2022 /


Or perhaps even better, living through unprecedented times, in a world on fire where the crisis du jour is served up every day on MSM, one may begin to wonder, is it just me?   Or do others see what I see? On one hand is distress caused by those who would prefer something other than

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