January 6 , 2019 /


This is a recycled post from a year ago and I trust it still resonates with purpose and meaning.  Slightly revised, here it is for your consideration.  Many people seek to make adjustments in a new year and I consider these well worth the investment. Whether at work, at home or out in public, here

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December 28 , 2018 /


In Central Switzerland there is a trail that leads to the “End of the World” – the place where the Horbis valley suddenly comes to an end.  The trail starts at Engelberg railway station and leads down to the end of Dorfstrasse. There, by the Abbey chapel, you follow the steps up to the road,

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November 13 , 2018 /


I sometimes have thoughts swirling around in my head and I can’t quite get them clearly into focus. I don’t think it’s early (?) onset of Alzheimer’s or Dementia, at least not yet, but those are indeed serious conditions to be taken seriously.   You may have had a similar experience.  Those thoughts might come

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November 4 , 2018 /


“The opposite of love is not hate,  it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference.  And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”   Elie Wiesel Opposites may not be what we first think.  In other words what appears as obvious may

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October 27 , 2018 /


This is a rather long post, more of an essay than a blog.  So, you can skip the details and cut to the lessons learned and where do we go from here (wherever you are) and go to the last paragraph or two.  On the other hand, if you are a sucker for details and

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September 7 , 2018 /


There has been a lot said recently about someone going off the rails.  We know generally what that means in terms of losing direction, being disabled from further progress.  What happens when we’re the ones who have either lost traction or direction or even purpose?  What then? Most of us have had some kind of

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