September 1 , 2018 /


Disagreements and differences of opinions separate people, communities and countries and there are those whose efforts are designed to pit people against each other through partisanship and intolerance. There are also those whose efforts are designed to build bridges of understanding, create communities of compassion and work toward bringing people together around a common vision,

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August 5 , 2018 /


BACK TO SCHOOL Why do we say that you are going “back” to school? We know generally that it means returning, often to something familiar, going “back” somewhere and that is certainly one of the meanings when using the word “back” as an adverb. However, it also implies a past condition or situation. However, if

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August 1 , 2018 /


Most teachers, many parents and some students are aware of the three-legged stool concept and practice in schools.  The three legs are teacher, parents & student.  The teacher represents the school, the parents represent themselves and their child and the student can hopefully represent himself or herself to the extent possible.  Too much practice in

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July 29 , 2018 /


EXCERPTS from Chapter Seven in “SEVEN DECADES: A LEARNING MEMOIR”. (River House Press. 2013) LINK: “When people in the next decade are trying to convey a picture of the most recent decade, they will use a self-portrait shot from a digital camera or cell phone held by one hand extended away from the subject. 

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April 13 , 2018 /

Whitney Johnson & WD40

Whitney Johnson has a new book out called “Build an A-Team: Play to Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve.”    She starts out her current newsletter to promote her book with a story about WD 40, the recognizable brand of lubricant in the yellow and blue can.  I thought it had been around

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April 9 , 2018 /


Numerous conversations have been swirling around recently about “authentic” with what’s real and what’s fake.  Authentic means genuine, real, honest, transparent, reliable, trustworthy and what people often refer to as “up front.”  In most circles that is to be preferred over “down low”, evasive, secretive, coy, shifty and misleading. Some of these recent conversations have

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