June 8 , 2017 /


I received the following note from a long-time friend and colleague recently and I have his permission to use it as a springboard to my response. “In questioning my most purposeful activity at this point in life, I am considering not continuing in service for others…but rather look at all the expectations and all the

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June 3 , 2017 /


On May 22, my mother-in-law decided, and announced, at 103 years old, that she was moving back to Oklahoma City, a distance of 535 miles from Santa Fe, NM, where she has lived for the past 12 years. For most of that time she has lived independently in her own house, fairly close to two

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May 27 , 2017 /


May 29, 2017 The Greek word anamnesis sometimes translated as remember, means simply “not to forget.” It is often translated as “memorial sacrifice” which is how this American holiday was set aside to be celebrated the last Monday in May. The intention is to honor the men and women who died while serving in the

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May 25 , 2017 /

10 Lessons From A Large Tree

It was very windy again today and it took me back to this post of a little over a month ago.  Spring is synonymous with wind here in northern New Mexico. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be

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May 23 , 2017 /


There were times, especially during the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s when we knowingly broke the law and did instead what we believed was right, good and in the best interests of others. It was our belief, our conscience and our own code of ethics. Of course that was controversial as you might expect,

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May 15 , 2017 /


It doesn’t matter when this thought or feeling comes to you, whether waking up one day or at the end of yet another day. It is the uncomfortable moment when you think or feel that life as you know it sucks. What then are you willing to believe and to do to change that? Or

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