May 3 , 2017 /


I don’t remember exactly when Cancer entered my vocabulary of understanding although as a teenager, I was very aware of breast cancer and mastectomies. My girlfriend’s mother was diagnosed and underwent the surgery around 1950. Partly because her mother was a nurse and her father a doctor, they talked about it openly. Then, I heard

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April 29 , 2017 /


It is still this morning. No breeze stirring the trees. Sun just rising over the mountains. A few birds signaling each other and their presence. A time to center, to focus, to look in, and out. Grateful for a peaceful start to this day. Decisions can wait for now while I contemplate Another new day.

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April 9 , 2017 /


I watched a very large tree swaying in the wind and these thoughts came to me in a morning meditation. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be flexible and move in several different directions, back and forth, up

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March 25 , 2017 /


We traveled one day this past winter from Jocotopec, Jalisco, Mexico, at the eastern end of Lake Chapala, to Lo de Marcos, Nayarit, MX, about 45 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta. Granted that we’re driving our motorhome, towing a car, and given Mexican roads and traffic, we expectrd such a trip to take longer than

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March 10 , 2017 /


This started by my wondering how INTEL got its name thinking it might have had something to do with intelligence, you know, computers as smart machines. Only partly right. Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968 by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of

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December 27 , 2016 /

TWO KINDS OF CHANGE: Planned & Unplanned

There are two kinds of change, planned and unplanned. While the former is more desirable, it’s not always possible. When planned change can be anticipated there are specific steps to insure that the most effective and successful change is implemented. When change that is precipitated by external factors is not anticipated, the response to the experience may

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