December 27 , 2016 /

TWO KINDS OF CHANGE: Planned & Unplanned

There are two kinds of change, planned and unplanned. While the former is more desirable, it’s not always possible. When planned change can be anticipated there are specific steps to insure that the most effective and successful change is implemented. When change that is precipitated by external factors is not anticipated, the response to the experience may

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December 14 , 2016 /


Many of us go about our work without being concerned about the rewards of what we do. We have chosen a profession (or been chosen by it because it called to us) of serving others. What we do is because of who we are and not that who we are is defined by what we

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December 3 , 2016 /


We traveled Dec 2 from Jocotopec, Jalisco, Mexico, at the eastern end of Lake Chapala, to Lo de Marcos, Nayarit, MX, on the Pacific Ocean, about 45 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta. Granted that we’re driving our motorhome, towing a car, and given Mexican roads and traffic, we expect such a trip to take longer

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November 14 , 2016 /


About 30 years ago a friend, who was 90 years old, repeated an often-heard phrase which was “Life is short,” and at her age I could understand that it was getting much shorter. Then she added another, intriguing sentence, “Eat dessert first and always take the biggest piece.” I found it rather amusing and by

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October 31 , 2016 /


From time to time, periodically or seasonally, I take a three-day break. It can be a long weekend or any three days that work for me. My most recent personal retreat was a Sunday to Wednesday in the small mountain village of Manitou Springs, Colorado. The three days can be anywhere you choose. Setting is

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October 26 , 2016 /


I have been and continue to be a student of human motivation, human development and human behavior. I worked in schools, universities and hospitals. I learned about organizational development and how systems worked. I also learned why sometimes they didn’t work.  It seemed to me that a system worked because it was designed with the

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