June 3 , 2017 /


On May 22, my mother-in-law decided, and announced, at 103 years old, that she was moving back to Oklahoma City, a distance of 535 miles from Santa Fe, NM, where she has lived for the past 12 years. For most of that time she has lived independently in her own house, fairly close to two

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May 25 , 2017 /

10 Lessons From A Large Tree

It was very windy again today and it took me back to this post of a little over a month ago.  Spring is synonymous with wind here in northern New Mexico. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be

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May 23 , 2017 /


There were times, especially during the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s when we knowingly broke the law and did instead what we believed was right, good and in the best interests of others. It was our belief, our conscience and our own code of ethics. Of course that was controversial as you might expect,

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May 3 , 2017 /


I don’t remember exactly when Cancer entered my vocabulary of understanding although as a teenager, I was very aware of breast cancer and mastectomies. My girlfriend’s mother was diagnosed and underwent the surgery around 1950. Partly because her mother was a nurse and her father a doctor, they talked about it openly. Then, I heard

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April 2 , 2017 /


Who knew that Tuesday, April 4, is National Healthy Schools Day?   I heard it on CBS Sunday morning news on April 2 and rather soon thereafter sat down to offer up these thoughts.   Since I spent the majority of my career working with schools, especially quite a few of the 130,000 K-12 schools in the

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March 10 , 2017 /


This started by my wondering how INTEL got its name thinking it might have had something to do with intelligence, you know, computers as smart machines. Only partly right. Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968 by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of

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