June 21 , 2022 /


Today, June 21, marks the “official” end of Spring, the “official” beginning of Summer. Regardless of the calendar formality, you’re free to celebrate on your own schedule. You can read all the details about why that occurs here: http://geography.about.com/od/physicalgeography/a/summersolstice.htm It’s a lot about the earth’s relationship to the sun. It’s also about our relationship to

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May 1 , 2022 /


Many of us are or have been collectors.  We collect all kinds of things and some people specialize in a niche that would not have occurred to the rest of us. Here is a list of 17 strange ones. Unopened Coca-Cola bottles?  OK, I once collected matchbook covers and one U.S. coin from every year.

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August 2 , 2012 /


  Several years ago, I posed the question about what people were curious about and the seven people responded with these  interesting questions and musings.  I commend them to you in the interest of your own curiosity. CS Why do I (and many others as we get older) wake up at 3 am? Will we

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