Gary GruberAging Change Grief Life Light Love SpiritWALKING THE PATH OF GRIEF
November 6 , 2023 /


I am pleased to introduce my guest, Hazel Bridges, who has written a wonderfully helpful piece for those dealing with grief or who may be facing that inevitability in the near or distant future.  Please feel free to offer comments for Hazel and I will be sure she sees them and can respond.  Thanks!


“Hazel Bridges is the creator of Aging Wellness, a website that aims to provide health and wellness resources for aging seniors. She challenges herself to live life to the fullest and inspire others to do so as well. After overcoming breast cancer at age 60, she vowed to never waste another second. She hopes to inspire and assist other seniors on their journey to health and wellness in their golden years.

Strategies for Peaceful Healing:      Charting the Course Through Mourning:

Embarking on the path of grief requires one to traverse an emotional landscape that is both complex and deeply personal. It necessitates a delicate balance between honoring the pain of loss and taking steps towards recovery. This article aims to illuminate pathways that facilitate emotional healing, focusing on actionable objectives that can bring solace and a measure of peace in difficult times.

Establishing Daily Objectives

When sorrow casts a long shadow over life’s path, the simple act of setting daily objectives can serve as beacons of progress. By identifying manageable tasks each day, individuals can foster a sense of achievement and gradually rebuild the framework of a purposeful life. This act of daily goal-setting serves not as a solution to grief, but as a gentle scaffolding upon which one can start to reconstruct a semblance of normalcy.

Therapeutic Benefits of Horticultural Activities

Horticultural pursuits offer a sanctuary for the mind, where the tranquility of nurturing plants aligns with the nurturing of one’s well-being. The silent symphony of growth in nature resonates with the healing rhythms within, as each bud unfolding signifies progress on the path to recovery. This reciprocal care instills a deep-seated peace, reinforcing a bond with the living tapestry of the natural world. For guidance, resources like https://homegardenhero.com/ can be invaluable allies on this voyage of rejuvenation.

Fostering Connections

In the throes of bereavement, the warmth of human connection can often be a soothing balm. Reaching out to friends and family fosters a network of support, reminding one that even in the depths of loss, they are not alone. It is within the comfort of shared experiences and understanding that the heart finds the strength to continue beating, even when it aches.

Start a Charitable Non-Profit

Creating a beacon of hope in the name of a cherished one can be a profound tribute. Initiating a charitable foundation allows their spirit to continue influencing the world in a positive manner. This endeavor not only cements a legacy but also forges a path of giving and community service that can bring purpose and a sense of achievement to those left behind.

Embracing Collective Empathy

Joining a circle of those who share the burden of loss can provide a unique sense of solace. Within grief support groups, the sharing of personal narratives fosters a collective empathy, providing a space where understanding is met with nodding heads rather than words—a place where shared silence speaks volumes.

The Reflective Power of Journaling

Documenting one’s journey through the written word offers a private refuge for thoughts and feelings to reside. The practice of journaling serves as a mirror to the soul, reflecting back the contours of one’s healing over time. Through this process, a narrative of resilience emerges, charting the course of recovery in the most personal of scripts.

Honoring Memories

Creating a space in one’s life to honor the departed is to acknowledge the lasting impact they have had. Developing personal rituals or traditions can become cornerstones of remembrance, ensuring that their legacy endures through the celebration of their life’s story, rather than the finality of their absence.

The Practice of Thankfulness

Amid the shadows of grief, the act of gratitude can act as a quiet revolution against despair. Acknowledging the threads of good that remain woven in the fabric of one’s life can subtly shift the landscape of mourning, offering moments of reprieve and nurturing a resilience that is both gentle and powerful.

Journeying through grief is a testament to the complexity of the human spirit. While the process is fraught with challenge, the intentional pursuit of healing goals can serve as a compass, guiding towards a place of peace and continued love. Establishing a nonprofit in honor of a loved one not only celebrates their life but also extends their influence into the lives of others, crafting a narrative of hope and connection that endures.


Comments (1)

  1. “The silent symphony of growth in nature resonates with the healing rhythms within, as each bud unfolding signifies progress on the path to recovery”

    This resonates with my experience from a few years back… walking the nature trails as spring was arriving was a uniquely healing journey after my Mom’s passing… I now understand why that was the case. Thank you.

    I also like the “start a charitable non-profit” idea to honor their memory. I am putting that on top of my list for 2024.

    Peace and light.

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