November 21 , 2017 /


During a five-week road trip through Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California (end of August thru September) we stopped to visit a son for several days at his new lake house in northern California. The weather was perfect, the 3-story house poised on the lakefront with a terrific view

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October 3 , 2017 /


We travel frequently and have for the past 20 years. Several trips have been to other countries and Mexico has often been a favorite winter destination. We have also enjoyed many trips in the U.S. and here are a few of our criteria for those interested. We like to go to some popular places, tourist

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May 25 , 2017 /

10 Lessons From A Large Tree

It was very windy again today and it took me back to this post of a little over a month ago.  Spring is synonymous with wind here in northern New Mexico. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be

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April 29 , 2017 /


It is still this morning. No breeze stirring the trees. Sun just rising over the mountains. A few birds signaling each other and their presence. A time to center, to focus, to look in, and out. Grateful for a peaceful start to this day. Decisions can wait for now while I contemplate Another new day.

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April 9 , 2017 /


I watched a very large tree swaying in the wind and these thoughts came to me in a morning meditation. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be flexible and move in several different directions, back and forth, up

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December 21 , 2016 /


On Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 3:44 AM MST the sun reached its southernmost point before starting back on its northward trek toward Spring. Actually it has more to do with the tilt of the earth on its axis and its elliptical orbit but we will leave that to the astronomers. I am just one

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