September 14 , 2018 /


I subscribe to several weekly emails from people who usually have something of value to share. Being a deliberate, lifelong learner, I relish the opportunity to pick up information that will help me and others to learn, grow and change.  One of those people is Whitney Johnson who, in this week’s email newsletter, offered up

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September 7 , 2018 /


There has been a lot said recently about someone going off the rails.  We know generally what that means in terms of losing direction, being disabled from further progress.  What happens when we’re the ones who have either lost traction or direction or even purpose?  What then? Most of us have had some kind of

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July 29 , 2018 /


EXCERPTS from Chapter Seven in “SEVEN DECADES: A LEARNING MEMOIR”. (River House Press. 2013) LINK: “When people in the next decade are trying to convey a picture of the most recent decade, they will use a self-portrait shot from a digital camera or cell phone held by one hand extended away from the subject. 

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June 13 , 2018 /


There are numerous categories of labels. Some are intended to be a helpful diagnosis such as DEPRESSION, much in the news lately. Two other labels are  ADD/ADHD, and the catch all CANCER wherein you have to specify what kind and where.  Those labels and many others in the field of medicine, psychology and education are

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May 26 , 2018 /

A Different Commencement

It’s that time of year again, graduations at high schools, colleges and universities across the country and 3.6 million high school seniors walking across the stage and picking up diplomas.  Have a brief look at this and the conclusions. Greenville High School, Greenville, Ohio, Class of 1955   (Greenville is a town of some 12,000 people

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April 29 , 2018 /


DIMENSIONS OF AGING – CHANGE IS CERTAIN – EITHER PLANNED OR UNPLANNED There are five dimensions of human activity that are interrelated and interdependent. Those are the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of ourselves and our relationships with others. We tend to treat people along one dimension and focus our energy, time and resources

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