March 21 , 2017 /

OUR BODIES AS OBJECTS: Update on surgery 3/28

I want to begin within the context of enormous gratitude for competent and caring physicians, nurses and technicians from so many medical practices and hospitals. These dedicated practitioners serve their patients and communities with high level, quality service. That said I want also to register concern about medical practitioners being held hostage by insurance companies

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March 15 , 2017 /


My background includes a type of psychotherapy that resulted in a practice of educating, counseling, mentoring and consulting over some 43 years. Thus my work was based on client-centered change that I began in the early seventies, much of it based on Rogers, Maslow and Perls. One thing that I learned was that regardless of

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March 10 , 2017 /


This started by my wondering how INTEL got its name thinking it might have had something to do with intelligence, you know, computers as smart machines. Only partly right. Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968 by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of

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March 10 , 2017 /


I’ve been a weather watcher for as long as I can remember, probably starting as soon as I could walk for I would hear something like, “You can’t go outside because it’s raining.”   So I would just walk to my boots and raincoat, point to them and some reluctant, but willing adult, parent or grandparent,

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January 31 , 2017 /


There are five dimensions of human activity that are inextricably interrelated and interdependent.   These are present regardless of our chronological age and they are not only important components in adult development, they are also factors that become even more critical in the aging process. Each one affects one or more of the others in ways

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December 27 , 2016 /

TWO KINDS OF CHANGE: Planned & Unplanned

There are two kinds of change, planned and unplanned. While the former is more desirable, it’s not always possible. When planned change can be anticipated there are specific steps to insure that the most effective and successful change is implemented. When change that is precipitated by external factors is not anticipated, the response to the experience may

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