October 26 , 2017 /


Every one of us goes through and, in fact, we are going through various life transitions, much of the time, one way or another. Living is organic & dynamic, seldom static or unchanging. What we see frequently are people not preparing for whatever might be next and there is one compelling reason. It is not

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October 3 , 2017 /


We travel frequently and have for the past 20 years. Several trips have been to other countries and Mexico has often been a favorite winter destination. We have also enjoyed many trips in the U.S. and here are a few of our criteria for those interested. We like to go to some popular places, tourist

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September 30 , 2017 /


For the past four weeks I have been dealing with customer service with two different companies, Garmin International and UPS. It’s easy for you to imagine the drill. An item was ordered from Garmin, promised overnight delivery to a city that we were traveling through. It did not arrive and we had to move on,

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September 20 , 2017 /


The September equinox occurs the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from north to south. This happens either on September 22, 23, or 24 every year. This year, 2017, it happens on Friday, September 22 at 20:02 UTC, which for me in

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September 2 , 2017 /

“Come Labor On”

There’s an old Scottish hymn and the last verse is: “Come, labor on. No time for rest, till glows the western sky, till the long shadows o’er our pathway lie, and a glad sound comes with the setting sun, ‘Well done, well done!’” I sang that hymn numerous times but had not remembered it until

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August 13 , 2017 /


As a newly minted octogenarian, and as a reprise to a brief memoir that I wrote in 2013 about my first 7 decades of learning, I felt a desire to offer a few words about this present 8th decade. You will first have to indulge me in a quick, tip of the iceberg review of

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