
December 13 , 2011 /

The PSYCHE of Leadership

The common misunderstanding of psyche is because the word gets translated most often as mind, thus terms like “mind-set” and “mindful” are often applied to leadership.   Conventional wisdom is that leaders will be more successful if they think intelligently about solving problems, create innovative plans and programs, or new products and services, figure out how

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December 11 , 2011 /

The Conscious Decision to Lead

Deciding to be a leader requires a conscious commitment, and the courage and confidence to take it all on, to accept the mantle of an awesome responsibility for making decisions that affect the lives of others.  Experience along the way helps as does study, reflection and renewal.  Talking with others who are experienced leaders helps,

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December 6 , 2011 /


One light year is a long time, the amount of time it takes light to travel for one year.  At 186,000 miles per second that would be 31,536,000 seconds which equals 525,600 minutes or 8760 hours.  Reports say the Kepler 22b planet is 600 million light years away.  Whether it’s 600 or 600 million makes

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December 5 , 2011 /


With gratitude to Peter Senge, who talks often about decentralizing the role of leadership in order to enhance the capacity of all people to work toward healthier human systems, I offer these observations, insights and experiences. As leaders, we are acutely aware of trying to meet the needs of multiple constituencies and I often refer

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December 3 , 2011 /

No Virtue in Being Busy

NO VIRTUE IN BEING BUSY   – GRG I receive at least a dozen or more emails, telephone calls or messages each week (I don’t text) that are filled with comments about how busy someone is and I am often guilty of the same kind of remark.   And for those who must travel for work, that

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December 1 , 2011 /

The Seven C’s of Competent Leadership

1    Communicationthat is clear, concise, accurate, timely and compelling. Staying in touch  with constituents with information that keeps them up to date, connected and  contributing goes a long way toward strengthening any organization. 2.      Collaboration with colleagues that is supportive and encouraging.  It may take a little more time, effort and energy but in the

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