February 14 , 2017 /


Robert Frost says it best: “Before I built a wall I’d ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, That wants it down…” Frost expresses my sentiments better than I can and in such a

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February 3 , 2017 /  /


We visited the Kennedy Space Center on April 10, 2014, primarily to see a rocket launch, something we had not witnessed in person previously and it certainly lived up to our expectations. It was a beautiful day and the several thousand people gathered on the shoreline were all waiting patiently for the scheduled 1:45 PM

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December 27 , 2016 /

TWO KINDS OF CHANGE: Planned & Unplanned

There are two kinds of change, planned and unplanned. While the former is more desirable, it’s not always possible. When planned change can be anticipated there are specific steps to insure that the most effective and successful change is implemented. When change that is precipitated by external factors is not anticipated, the response to the experience may

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December 14 , 2016 /


Many of us go about our work without being concerned about the rewards of what we do. We have chosen a profession (or been chosen by it because it called to us) of serving others. What we do is because of who we are and not that who we are is defined by what we

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October 26 , 2016 /


I have been and continue to be a student of human motivation, human development and human behavior. I worked in schools, universities and hospitals. I learned about organizational development and how systems worked. I also learned why sometimes they didn’t work.  It seemed to me that a system worked because it was designed with the

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October 15 , 2016 /

Lessons Learned in Years of Leadership

I have been and continue to be a student of human motivation, human development and human behavior. I have worked in schools, universities and hospitals. I learned about organizational development and how systems worked. I also learned why sometimes they didn’t work.  It seemed to me that a system worked because it was designed with

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