
November 14 , 2016 /


About 30 years ago a friend, who was 90 years old, repeated an often-heard phrase which was “Life is short,” and at her age I could understand that it was getting much shorter. Then she added another, intriguing sentence, “Eat dessert first and always take the biggest piece.” I found it rather amusing and by

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November 9 , 2016 /


Whether a question or a statement, we have just witnessed a seismic change in the American psyche and political landscape. It is both stunning and shocking and what you make of it will depend on your personally held core values and beliefs. The voice of the “silent majority” has been heard and the challenge now

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October 31 , 2016 /


From time to time, periodically or seasonally, I take a three-day break. It can be a long weekend or any three days that work for me. My most recent personal retreat was a Sunday to Wednesday in the small mountain village of Manitou Springs, Colorado. The three days can be anywhere you choose. Setting is

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October 26 , 2016 /


I have been and continue to be a student of human motivation, human development and human behavior. I worked in schools, universities and hospitals. I learned about organizational development and how systems worked. I also learned why sometimes they didn’t work.  It seemed to me that a system worked because it was designed with the

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October 21 , 2016 /


Writing gives me the opportunity to reflect on my thoughts, observations and experiences in ways that I can see, hear and understand more clearly. I can share those thoughts, observations and experiences with others who may be interested, and if they’re not, that’s OK too. Writing offers me a catalog or menu from which I

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October 20 , 2016 /


My blogging experience covers the past 5 years with approximately 250 posts. Those posts are mostly professional around topics having to do with education, leadership and change. Some have been more personal reflections of what was happening at the moment or with my work or other projects. I have written essays, articles and speeches and

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October 19 , 2016 /

Brief Experience in Customer Disservice

Around 2 PM on October 17, 2016, I pulled a five-pound bag of organic carrots from the vegetable bin in the refrigerator and prepared to make one of my favorite, refreshing drinks, a mixture of carrot and apple juice, about 8 carrots and 1 apple. We have a great juicer, an Omega No. 4000 and

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October 15 , 2016 /

Lessons Learned in Years of Leadership

I have been and continue to be a student of human motivation, human development and human behavior. I have worked in schools, universities and hospitals. I learned about organizational development and how systems worked. I also learned why sometimes they didn’t work.  It seemed to me that a system worked because it was designed with

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October 10 , 2016 /

Seasons of Change: Aging Gracefully & Gratefully

With the Fall season in full swing, we note the change by leaves changing color and dropping from deciduous trees, cooling temperatures, fewer daylight hours, and a general slowing down in the natural world. One thing we all have in common, regardless of our age, is that we grow older, day by day, season by

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