
January 18 , 2014 /


Two recent “events” have given me pause to consider how they are real and symbolic regarding what is the constant in our lives, and that is, of course, change.  We are all about change of one kind or another, most of the time.  Some are big changes, really big life changes and some are small

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January 1 , 2014 /

TURNING THE PAGE, with David Eagleman

Whether it is with a finger, an arrow or feeling the paper and not a virtual page, it is a new year, a new month and a new day.    Remember paper calendars that hung on the wall?  Some were from local businesses and presented as a gift at the end of the year.  They were

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December 22 , 2013 /

A Tribute to Fresh Snow: A Morning Musing

Morning light revealed a light snowfall that has covered the ground, not more than an inch or two, but as I look out my window to the east, it is a winter wonderland.  Just in time for a white Christmas but this snow will not last three days without being refreshed.  Our sun melts it

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December 20 , 2013 /


On Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 10:11 AM MST (for me) the sun reached its southernmost point before starting back on its northward trek toward Spring.  You can calculate your own time accordingly. Actually it has more to do with the tilt of the earth on its axis and its elliptical orbit but we will leave

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November 28 , 2013 /

Grateful for Change

Living where there are four distinct seasons is a reminder of preparing for and welcoming change, mostly a change in the weather. The accompanying  visual and visceral experiences range from the position of sunrise and sunset to variations in temperatures and colors and mother nature at her best.  On this Thanksgiving morning the sun bathed

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November 22 , 2013 /


(Moving toward Thanksgiving, November 28, 2013) This phrase, “less is more” appeared in a love poem (line78) in 1855 by Robert Browning , “Andrea del Sarto” called The Faultless Painter. The phrase was adopted by Mies van der Rohe, an architect whom I studied briefly in an undergraduate course called “The House.”  He, along with

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November 18 , 2013 /

Getting Ready, Set, Go

Last night was the full moon known as the Beaver Moon.  I did not know for sure why it was called that so looked it up in the Old Farmer’s Almanac, a trusted source for many years, and here’s what it said, “Full Beaver Moon – November This was the time to set beaver traps

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November 15 , 2013 /

No Virtue in Being Busy

I receive at least a dozen or more emails, telephone calls or messages each week (I don’t text) that are filled with comments about how busy someone is and I am often guilty of the same kind of remark.   And for those who must travel for work, that adds a layer of time consumption, creating

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October 30 , 2013 /

Time for a Change — October 30, 2013

When we move clocks back and forth, which we do twice a year in almost all of the U.S. it reminds me that once again, we are often manipulated by outside forces over which we have little or no control.  One option, not possible for most people, is to ignore the watches and clocks and

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