
October 3 , 2016 /


58shares September 28, 2016 By Gary Gruber Courtesy of Getting Smart  ( In this modern day of high-tech, in-school learning, parents are rediscovering that there is an entire world outside of the formal classroom that is full of rich learning experiences. Whether you call it homeschooling or unschooling doesn’t matter. What we are seeing is place-based

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September 16 , 2016 /


It seems like we are often in some kind of transition or shift from one state to another, from one status to another, from one activity to another, from one stage of life to another or just from season to another.  Does that make sense in your own observations and experience?   I sense these transitions

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August 29 , 2016 /

LABOR DAY 2016: Remember & Celebrate

There are literally hundreds of workers who have made our lives easier, better and more productive this past year and here are some of them by category.  I will thank a number of them personally this week and next for their good work.  I want them to know that their work is appreciated, that it

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August 22 , 2016 /


For the past several weeks I have been musing on why the word back has seemed like an irritant and it became a little more clear this morning with a phone call about 2 of our 13 grandchildren going back to school today. For them and most students returning to school, it’s more of the

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August 20 , 2016 /


About 6 years ago I wrote my “official” letter of retirement after 12 years of working in association with a fine and well-educated group of professional colleagues. I had the liberty and benefit of a “home office” in northern New Mexico during that time although that required a fair amount of travel. It’s the old

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August 14 , 2016 /

THEN & NOW: Ancient and Timeless

\ Here is a story to share with your children, your students if you’re a teacher and anyone else who would appreciate the illustration. High in the Himalayan mountains lived a wise old man. Periodically, he ventured down into the local village to entertain the villagers with his special knowledge and talents. One of his

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August 10 , 2016 /

“Two Things She Says to Me”

“I know I’ll never go hungry as long as I’m married to you.”   She laughs and I take it as a compliment to my work ethic. I’ve either had a job of some kind or could find one for most of my life. I just responded to someone that my first seven jobs were: pin

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July 27 , 2016 /


WHO ARE YOU? Each of us has a name by which we have become known, a name given to us by our parents, a name sometimes chosen at random, or from a list of popular names, sometimes by family traditions, and sometimes with special meaning. In some cultures a name has particular significance with regard

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July 21 , 2016 /


Psyche was a Princess, the youngest of the three daughters, and her beauty prompted the jealousy and envy of Venus (Aphrodite). In order to avenge herself, the goddess ordered Amor (Eros) to inspire Psyche with a love for the most contemptible of all men, but Amor was so stricken with her beauty that he fell

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