Gary GruberArchives

Author archives: Gary Gruber

Elder, long life learner, active blogger, traveler, RVer, author, who is marrieds. & with 7 children and their partners, plus 14 grandchildren. Resident of SW U.S. for past 30 years, first NM and currently southern AZ. Native of Ohio, graduate of Miami U (Ohio), Princeton Seminary, (M.Div.) Penn State University (M.S. & Ph.D.). career educator and consultant.

September 4 , 2023 /


One of the reasons we prefer driving to flying, when possible, is that we prefer being on our own schedule and timetable, not those with other systems that are tech dependent where other people are in charge.  I would rather drive 8 hours than fly one hour because it’s not just flying one hour.  Here

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September 2 , 2023 /


This weekend the U,S, is celebrating Labor Day, which began on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union.  It became a national holiday in 1884 under President Grover Cleveland recognizing the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers in the development

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August 27 , 2023 /


As I made a trip to throw away an empty sardine can, I thought, how many trips a day do I make to this flip the lid trash receptacle in the kitchen? It is one that holds a 30 gallon, black, plastic bag with blue ties that close it up. We have several other baskets

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August 21 , 2023 /


I was “complaining” to DW about having too much on my mind, too many concerns, and feeling a wee bit overwhelmed and a little stressed.  I want to emphasize “wee bit” and “little” because while I might have been approaching a loss of control, I wasn’t there yet.  Fortunately I am blessed with a partner who listens,

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August 17 , 2023 /


I looked at the calendar August 15, blinked twice, and realized that ten days ago we were in heavy traffic through San Antonio and Dallas, headed north toward Lake Tenkiller in northeast Oklahoma.  The reason for that part of this trip was to retrieve our Leisure Travel Van RV that was stored at wife’s brother’s

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August 10 , 2023 /


I have not seen the movie Oppenheimer yet but it’s on my to do list.  In the middle of this ten day road trip we spent a night in Alamagordo which is about 80 miles south of the Trinity site where the atomic bomb was exploded, some 50 miles southeast of Socorro, NM.  This area,

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