
October 9 , 2011 /

No Virtue in Being Busy

I receive at least a dozen or more emails, telephone calls or messages each week (I don’t text) that are filled with comments about how busy someone is and I am often guilty of the same kind of remark.   And for those who must travel for work, that adds a layer of time consumption, creating

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October 7 , 2011 /

Essential Needs and Requirements of Leadership

“The Times, They are A-Changin” In some recent research by IBM, 1500 business leaders from 60 countries and 33 industries were asked to list the three most important qualities needed in this new economic environment.  The top three may surprise you, maybe not.  They were: creativity, integrity and global thinking.  The next six (in order)

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October 4 , 2011 /

What works and what works best. (What’s it all about, Alfie?)

In the 1970’s I learned a lot about human motivation, human development and human behavior. I worked in schools, universities and hospitals. I learned about organizational development and how systems worked and learned why sometimes they didn’t work.  It seemed to me that a system worked because it was designed with the users in mind

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October 3 , 2011 /

Fussing About “Thought Leaders”

So I read something earlier this morning about thought leaders, tweeted it and there it rested for moment until I said, ok, I’ll write a blog.  Ever notice how so many people now start out by saying, “So….?”  It must be the transition from the experience of being constantly connected and streaming consciousness and what’s

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October 2 , 2011 /


I have been using the following idea recently at the end of my email messages: “Leading is building collaborative energy, listening, asking questions, discerning, and helping groups move forward with a purposeful, shared vision.”  There are six main points in that statement about leading, perhaps too many to digest in one quick reading.  However, here

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October 2 , 2011 /

Mind the Gap: Distance Between Real and Ideal

Mind the Gap: Perceived discrepancies between the “real” and the “ideal”  OR What my mentor forgot to tell me! After two years of living and working in London, “mind the gap” became more than a popular phrase used on the underground transportation system.  There, of course, it referred to the distance between the train and

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September 29 , 2011 /

Social Media Mom Outs Sons

How about the Tennessee mom who posted a scolding on Facebook aimed at her two sloppy sons and in so doing revealed that their residence did not qualify them to play on the high school football team where they had transferred recently?   Regardless what you might think about some of the silly state athletic association

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September 23 , 2011 /

“Top Ten Afflictions Among Educators”

10. MABS – Myopic, Apathetic Blame Syndrome.  A dis-ease characterized by lack of vision, indifference and the attempt to shift responsibility to other people as in “that’s not my job.”9.  PEST – Plasmapheric Educational System Transference. A condition recognized in those who drain the organism and then because of inactivity offer bureaucracy as a reason

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September 19 , 2011 /

Conscious and Intentional

Years ago I developed a little scheme for helping people to deal with what I called, reactive emotions that usually got them nowhere, except mired in their own misery and instead offered them another option.  Imagine someone making a snide remark or remember the last time someone said something to you that prompted an immediate,

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