November 2 , 2019 /


Missing the exit, the one indicated by the GPS, we waited for the recalculation.  There is so much in that short sentence that applies to the rest of life, I thought of just stopping with that, enough for now.

The heavy traffic was proceeding both fast and slow in unfamiliar territory, a multitude of expressways, toll roads, six lanes in one direction, twists, curves and difficulty changing lanes in short distances.  Big trucks, roaring by, cars cutting in front in order to change lanes, bridges, skyways, you name it, they had it.  Frustration, stress, heightened anxiety, worry and disappointment.

The coping conversation to self was, so it’s going to take longer, so what?  Are you going to be late for an appointment?  No.  Okay, then what’s the big deal?  Honestly, it isn’t that big of a deal except that I take pride in knowing where I’m going and how to get there. Ah, so that’s what it was, pride that goes before the fail.  Failure?   Yes, I know the fail forward motif, and that doesn’t quite fit although another might say, just keep going and you’ll eventually get there,

One lesson in all of this is about making a mistake and having or finding the resources to make the correction.  The process for self-correction is easier when you have help from another, especially when that help gives you the opportunity to focus on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking while driving has resulted in numerous accidents.

Planning which way you’re going to go before setting out, with attention to both the big picture and the details is a good idea.  Having more than one option so there’s a back-up plan B if A doesn’t work is recommended.  Building in extra time to provide a cushion or margin for error is a proven practice.  The airlines do it all the time.  And even with the best of intentions, there can be surprises.

The conclusion is this.  Regardless of “minor” inconveniences, change your perspective and enjoy the journey.  One day with several miserable hours does not ruin the entire experience.  Whether recalculating or recalibrating, the objective is to continue to move closer to your stated goals.  Do that and you’ll get there, eventually.

Comments (1)

  1. I’ve missed many a turn and when I absolutely positively had to be there at a particular time, it was stressful. Still, it’s not like you can drive across all the lanes or make a new exit magically appear. You have to keep going until you can get off and find a new path to your destination. I, um, freak out about enough things in life. Missing my exit isn’t one of them (in life or on the highway). Have learned that you can still get where you were going even if it wasn’t on the road you’d planned on taking. Lovely reminder. Thanks, Gary.


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