December 18 , 2022 /


Focusing on focus, adjusting how we see things, zeroing in on a particular point of view can be an interesting and revealing exercise.  Changing the angle changes our perception. If using binoculars or a telescope or a camera, we may adjust the focal point for clarity or it is done automatically by an inboard sensor.  What are our inboard sensors that tell us when we are either out of focus or that we need to make an adjustment or some kind?


Is what we are looking at far off or close up?  What are we trying to see?  Do we want to see the big picture or the small details?  What we want and what our goals are make a big difference on our focus.  In any case we are seeking something whether more information, clarity or a greater understanding.  Focus. Concentrate. Shut out the distractions.


We can focus on the external environment or we can focus on our internal environments of thoughts and feelings with similar goals for greater understanding and clarity.  We can record our observations for later review and see what we might have learned about ourselves and the world in which we live.  We can now be in a better position to make some needed and desired changes in in order to gain something of value from the experience of focusing.




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