March 18 , 2019 /


Here’s the story of the Anglo-Saxon goddess who’s responsible for putting chicken eggs in a bunny’s basket and who has magic powers similar to the magic of Spring itself. This year, Easter and Spring are separated on the calendar by 29 days, almost as many as possible.  Spring arrives March 20 and Easter is

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April 22 , 2018 /

Earth Day Lessons

A friend, Alli Polin, commented recently, “We think transitions are endings but they’re really what the word is all about… movement including the time in between landings.”  That stuck with me for some reason so I explored it a little further, that phrase “the time in between landings” being particularly resonant.   Here was my

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April 1 , 2018 /


About six years ago I wrote the following article based on a letter to a friend of mine who was about to give a commencement speech.  For those us who have done that on more than a few occasions, we know that it’s hard to come up with something that’s worth listening to at a

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May 25 , 2017 /

10 Lessons From A Large Tree

It was very windy again today and it took me back to this post of a little over a month ago.  Spring is synonymous with wind here in northern New Mexico. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be

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April 29 , 2017 /


It is still this morning. No breeze stirring the trees. Sun just rising over the mountains. A few birds signaling each other and their presence. A time to center, to focus, to look in, and out. Grateful for a peaceful start to this day. Decisions can wait for now while I contemplate Another new day.

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April 10 , 2017 /

HOLIDAYS (in 55 words)

From the original “holy days” and retaining The meaning of holy which is “set apart.” Each holiday is apart from the others that remain Ordinary and routine, while the holiday is imbued with Special meaning and some kind of elegant celebration. These are days that give homage to Light, to beliefs, to beginnings and endings.