March 19 , 2022 /


When the Julian calendar was established around 45 BC, a date in March was fixed for the vernal equinox, that time and moment in the Spring when night and day are of equal length. It has to do with the tilt of the earth toward the sun and at this time it’s approximately zero. For

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March 9 , 2022 /


A friend whom I hold in high regard said recently:  “It’s really challenging to stay connected to light during these dark days.” Part of my response was “Equinox is coming March 20.”  I know there are many ways to stay connected to light and this calendar event that happens twice a year is all about

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April 15 , 2021 /


It has been a hellacious year for many reasons, with Covid being the most challenging and the lack of leadership at the top right behind it, actually contributing to the 564,000 deaths in the U.S. alone and 2.97 million world-wide.   I wondered what I was thinking about a year ago, so reached back, and here

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March 1 , 2021 /


March 8 , 2016 / MORE TIME, MORE CHOICES I have often mused on the meaning of time, how we regard it, use it as if it were a commodity, even talk about how we spend it. One reason the concept of time interests me is that I regard the sun, moon and stars as better

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April 6 , 2019 /


(This is a reprise from 6 years ago and it still applies in the present, so herewith for your review.  Seems it’s the old what goes around comes around) There is an article called “Six Ways to Become a Wise Leader” by Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou  (good advice) and it reminded me of so

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March 25 , 2019 /


With Spring in full swing, we note the change by buds and blossoms, the vibrant colors, new growth, warmer temperatures, longer daylight hours, and a general increase of activity in the natural world. One thing we all have in common, regardless of our age, is that we also change, day by day, season by season,

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