December 20 , 2022 /


Making something new or doing something you have never done before can be a creative act of learning, growing and changing.  Perhaps you need to let go of something old in order to have space and time for something new.  It could be a new skill, a new activity, a new connection, a new project,

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December 17 , 2022 /


The sun is our source of daylight and the power of the sun is now being captured in solar panels and used for energy, an alternative, renewable source of energy. Solar power has the capacity to heat and cool homes, provide light and be stored in batteries for use as needed, such as in today’s

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December 14 , 2022 /


We see the reports, the data having to do with temperature, wind, barometric pressure, whether or not there is any precipitation in the form of rain, snow or sleet, maybe even other details like sunrise and sunset.   We look ahead at predictions in order to be prepared or to know what to wear. One thing

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November 28 , 2022 /


For years, I used this mantra LEARN CHANGE GROW as a guide for innovative change as I believed it was a simple reminder of a process and a way of making progress both as individuals and as organizations.  The goal was evolving into a new and different way of being in the world, something familiar

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September 20 , 2022 /


Life is about the seasons of change, internal and external, and how we adjust our rhythms and find ourselves in balance or not.  Equinox is when the amount of night and day are approximately the same, about 12 hours each, all over the world.  For us in the northern hemisphere, it marks the official end

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September 15 , 2022 /


My maternal grandfather was a descendant of the gatherers.  He was a forager in the woods, especially in late Summer and early Fall for berries, nuts, mushrooms and paw paws. He also gathered many other things including “pieces of string too short to save.”  He would put them in a shoe box with that written

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