May 2 , 2021 /


The mythical story of Psyche, Amor and Venus has to do with love lost and found, the joy and suffering along the way, hard work and humiliation, as well as the comfort, support and assistance of others.  It is easy to recognize in this story of Psyche the human soul, which is purified by passions

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April 28 , 2021 /


If you are a writer, there are times when you must write because it helps think through what’s troubling you.  Writer is a label. Lately, which in my case, means a long period of time, labels have worried me for numerous reasons not the least of which is that labels put people in boxes with

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April 24 , 2021 /


Some recent news reports indicate “culture wars” going on in schools with parents divided over curriculum issues having mainly to do with race.  There are other related social issues that schools must deal with and they are not going to please everyone and as professional educators they have to make choices about what to include

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April 15 , 2021 /


It has been a hellacious year for many reasons, with Covid being the most challenging and the lack of leadership at the top right behind it, actually contributing to the 564,000 deaths in the U.S. alone and 2.97 million world-wide.   I wondered what I was thinking about a year ago, so reached back, and here

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April 2 , 2021 /


We have recently been inundated with words like reinvent, reimagine, reform, redesign all with good intentions. The prefix re-, which means “back” or “again,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, for example: reject, regenerate, and revert. The prefix re, when it is a prefix- means “back” via the word return, or turn “back;” to

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February 17 , 2021 /


Some people who know me might be surprised to learn that when I was invited to speak to a team of educators in an outstanding school, it was somewhat daunting for me. I speak to many school groups including faculties, boards of trustees, leadership teams, parents and students. The topics range over a wide variety

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