May 14 , 2015 /


This phrase, “taking time off” is interesting because time is never off.  Like it says in the old ad for Timex, it just keeps on ticking and one day, we will run out of time, or walk out, or lie down and check out.  Think of some amusing ways people speak about time.  “I didn’t

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April 30 , 2015 /


It has been confirmed that schools, K-16 and beyond, are part of the real world.  They are not isolated in a bubble of protection, separated from the rest of society while these young ones grow in an environment sheltered from the world’s harsh realities.  The internet of instant news has only exacerbated the downside of

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April 29 , 2015 /

No Virtue in Being Busy

I receive a dozen or so emails, telephone calls or messages each week that contain comments about how busy someone is and I was once guilty of the same kind of remark.   And for those who must travel often for work, that adds a layer of time consumption, creating more pressure and stress on the

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April 14 , 2015 /


Many of us go about our work without being concerned about the rewards of what we do. We have chosen a profession (or been chosen by it because it called to us) of serving others.  The point here is why we do what we do and that what we say and do are simply reflections

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March 30 , 2015 /


Stepping out of the ordinary to experience a little of the extraordinary has numerous benefits, both personally and professionally.   A change of scenery and environment, no family or business obligations, unplugging from the world of electronic devices, time for deep reflection and renewal of mind, body and spirit is simply luxurious. This is a gift

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March 24 , 2015 /


People worry daily about everything from their work to their finances, about their children or their parents (or other family members) about their present or future condition, including health and wellness, and in some places about where they are going to live, what they are going to eat or how they might end up.  One

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