October 12 , 2019 /


We hear or read about how to have a more meaningful life, one that is more satisfying, more fulfilling, more successful, happier or whatever.  If we feel like we’re missing something that we have yet to achieve, what is it?  We need to give it a name and if it’s merely a sense of restlessness

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October 10 , 2019 /


I watched some trees, swaying back and forth in the wind, and these thoughts came to me while I watched the wind move the trees. Work with the forces that seek to move you. Adapt and adjust so that you do not break because you are too rigid. Be flexible and move in several different

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October 4 , 2019 /


I turn left off Highway #64, 75 miles north of Santa Fe onto Forest Road 151.  13 miles ahead, at the end of a single-lane, dirt road, lay my destination, a Benedictine monastery where I will spend the next three days, reading, writing, reflecting, meditating, walking and enjoying the surrounding desert landscape bordered by magnificent

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October 27 , 2018 /


This is a rather long post, more of an essay than a blog.  So, you can skip the details and cut to the lessons learned and where do we go from here (wherever you are) and go to the last paragraph or two.  On the other hand, if you are a sucker for details and

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