October 31 , 2014 /

Stories about Storytelling

The first story is about an outstanding teacher, one whom I hired in 1994 to teach language arts to 6th and 7thgraders.  Gwynn Spencer was a unique personality for many reasons, not the least of which was her passion for storytelling.  She had a great friend in Joe Hayes, an award winning author and teacher

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October 4 , 2014 /


Look at the synonyms for the word transition.  It is a rather amazing               list that attempts to describe a process or an experience. change, passage, move, transformation, conversion, metamorphosis, alteration, handover, changeover; segue, shift, switch, jump, leap, progression; progress, development, evolution, flux. I chose three words which, for me, capture the essence of a transition,

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September 25 , 2014 /


Making an executive decision requires more than using that part of your brain called “executive functioning” which can be defined as “a set of cognitive abilities that control and regulate other abilities and behaviors. Executive functions are necessary for goal-directed behavior. They include the ability to initiate and stop actions, to monitor and change behavior

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September 14 , 2014 /

The Real World and Success for Every Child

The Real World and Success For Every Child When you’re assigned to a job and you can’t do it, you either learn how to do it or you’re fired.  Maybe you need to be in a different environment with different supervisors or mentors.  Maybe you need some remedial instruction or perhaps you need to find

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August 31 , 2014 /


Part of my morning meditation included reading this article by Margaret Wheatley: //www.mindful.org/at-work/leadership/webs-boxes-and-boundaries and that took me back to all the times we have crossed a border, north, south, east or west.  What I found was that regardless of country, language or culture, people are all of the same species, homo sapiens, although one has

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August 17 , 2014 /


On Thursday, August 14, I was witness to an historic occasion of a school being born.  This was the third such opportunity in my career and while each one was quite different, as you will see in a moment, there were also some surprising similarities.  What we might learn from these occasions will depend on

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