December 3 , 2022 /


Easing into the new and unfamiliar is not flipping a switch from off to on or out to in.  It is getting used to something gradually, a step at a time, little by little, not all at once like jumping into the deep end where we may be over our heads. Becoming comfortable with something

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December 2 , 2022 /


Alone. By myself. Quiet.  These are favorable conditions for exploring the interior life.  No distractions, no diversions, no noise and no interruptions. Silence is a welcome change from the ordinary, everyday business of living and working, of being in a family or a community and extracting myself for these brief moments of looking and listening

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November 28 , 2022 /


For years, I used this mantra LEARN CHANGE GROW as a guide for innovative change as I believed it was a simple reminder of a process and a way of making progress both as individuals and as organizations.  The goal was evolving into a new and different way of being in the world, something familiar

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November 21 , 2022 /


Making a transition from giving thanks to living thanks is a short walk across the bridge.  On one side is where we give thanks, say thanks, and show gratitude for that which has been given to us whether material gifts that can be seen and felt, or friendships and love, which we cannot hold in

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November 9 , 2022 /


Years ago a friend of mine had a small sailboat on Martha’s Vineyard, a 19’ O’Day Mariner and I had the benefit and pleasure of sailing it from the mooring in Edgartown Harbor all around the harbor and beyond when the sea was calm. One day a storm filled the boat with water and it

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November 1 , 2022 /


One week from today, November 8, 2022, the results of a mid-term election are likely to say what direction the United States is heading in the near future.  One week from today, this day being November 1.  Seven days. Reports suggest a significant increase in early voting and we won’t really know what that means

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