
April 2 , 2013 /

Beyond the Numbers

I just read a piece called “Six Ways to Become a Wise Leader”  (good advice) and it reminded me of so many books, articles and presentations that create a numerical list.  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was a highly popular book with over 10 million sold.  And then there is a more ancient

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March 12 , 2013 /

Small is Better. Less is More.

A colleague and friend sent a link to a recent New York Times article called “Living With Less. A Lot Less” because she said it made her think of me.  I was as interested in the reasons why it made her think of me although admittedly, there is much there which is food for thought. 

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February 27 , 2013 /

Five Internal Perspectives on Leadership

–>  Here is a brief summary of what leaders must deal with internally, almost all the time. 1-    Understanding the difference between your work and your job. Work is your passion, what you care about the most whether reaching goals, accomplishing big projects or meaningful personal relationships with colleagues. Your job is what you have

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February 23 , 2013 /

Violence, Videos and Many Voices

I wrote the following piece some five years ago but when I saw that the app of the day (2/21/13) was Gun Bros 2, I thought it might be time to re-issue it.   The debate and conversations about gun control and our culture of violence continues to put people on opposite sides of the issues

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February 16 , 2013 /

Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2013: Lessons from Mother

When the Julian calendar was established around 45 BC, a date in March was fixed for the vernal equinox, that time and moment in the Spring when night and day are of equal length. It has to do with the tilt of the earth toward the sun and at this time it’s approximately zero.  But

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February 11 , 2013 /

Organizational Check-Up

Here are four words, huge in their implications, challenging in their applications, and sometimes confusing in their descriptions.  The following comments are my brief take on each of the words and their meanings, at least for me in the past, present and possible future.  As Yogi (Berra) said, “It’s very hard to make predictions, especially

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February 4 , 2013 /

Finally, an explanation of Why.

We are currently in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and as lifelong learners committed to postponing dementia for a few more years, we are taking Spanish lessons at Warren Hardy’s Escuela at # 6 San Rafael.  It’s a great neighborhood although we are camped about 2 miles north in the country.Warren offered a lecture this

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February 2 , 2013 /

Giving Yourself a Gift of Time and Space

This piece was originally written a year ago and this is a revised update. This interesting phrase, “taking time off” doesn’t mean much because one can not really ever turn time off.  What we mean is “time out” from the usual and ordinary, perhaps to invest in the unusual and extraordinary.   Like it says

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January 31 , 2013 /

The Sea of Cortez, Sunrise and Looking Ahead

This is more of a personal than a professional piece but with less and less separation between the two dimensions, herewith.  Our recent travels began the first week in January, took us respectively through Houston and Phoenix and we crossed the border around noon to Mexico on January 9 at Otay Mesa, the eastern port

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