January 6 , 2019 /


This is a recycled post from a year ago and I trust it still resonates with purpose and meaning.  Slightly revised, here it is for your consideration.  Many people seek to make adjustments in a new year and I consider these well worth the investment.

Whether at work, at home or out in public, here are 7 behaviors for your consideration, reflection and review. These behaviors are generally well-known and obvious to those who practice them regularly. However, there are many for whom these might well enhance your performance and productivity.

1 – Exceed expectations

Go beyond the ordinary and the usual to be more extraordinary and unique. Be your own person and go the extra mile. The road is not crowded there.

2 – Respect others

Listen, regardless of differences; be free to disagree and do so with understanding and patience. Exercise self-respect along with restraint.

3- Use time wisely

No excuses, be on time and on schedule. The choices we make determine our use of time. Time is both a gift and a resource.

4 – Dress for the occasion

Decide what is appropriate and what’s not. If you can’t be attractive, don’t be an attraction. Neat and clean count.

5 – Communicate clearly

Be able to say what you mean, think before you speak, and make sure your mind is in gear before engaging your mouth.

6 – Widen your circle

Expand your network of contacts and relationships. Be more inclusive and enjoy the richness and benefits of diversity.

7 – Invest in integrity

Be known for being honest, trustworthy, kind and friendly; authentic, generous and gracious too. Doesn’t cost anything and is priceless.


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