September 11 , 2015 /


A few weeks ago, I returned to Greenville, Ohio, to celebrate my 60th anniversary of my graduation from high school.   I spent, yes spent, the first 18 years of my life in this small town of about 13,000 in west central Ohio, close to Indiana. It has only grown by 3,000 people in the past

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September 5 , 2015 /


  Like many of you, I write down my thoughts and experiences from time to time, keep a journal on occasion around travel, maintain a blog and use social media, mostly Twitter and LinkedIn, for a variety of purposes.  I have written several books, numerous articles, and have a web site that will be updated

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July 24 , 2015 /


  The “Education Equation” has it wrong and change comes slowly.  A study conducted by the U. S. Department of Education in collaboration with Germany. perhaps Japan as well, concluded that we have it all wrong.  If you look at the education equation, we tend to hold time constant and make education the variable.  If

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July 8 , 2015 /

SPEAKING (in 55 words)

 Be sure your brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear. Once the words are out, you cannot take them back. You have power to threaten or comfort, to express anger or love. Choose carefully when you speak. The words are yours and you own them. Use words not to hurt but help and heal.

July 4 , 2015 /


I wrote this originally a few years ago and people seemed to enjoy it.  It’s good for a laugh at the end of another academic year so herewith a reprise.  10. MABS – Myopic, Apathetic, Blame Syndrome – This disease is characterized by lack of vision, indifference and the attempt to shift responsibility to other

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June 9 , 2015 /

The Seven C’s (and more) of Competent Leadershp *

1. Communication that is clear, concise, compelling and timely.  Stay in touch with customers’  information that keeps them connected 2. Collaboration that is supportive and encouraging.  It takes time, effort and energy,  but the results are compelling. 3. Confidence that inspires mutual trust, mutual respect and the open sharing of information, otherwise known as transparency

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