January 1 , 2023 /


NEW A new year, a new day and a new week, so why not a new blog?  Having finished the 30-day experiment, it seems a good time for a review and a reboot.  Many of us are glad to say good-bye to 2022 and take this blank canvas for 2023 as a gift and see

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December 30 , 2022 /


There are 31 days in this month and this 30 day Bold Experiment ends today.  The bold part was taking it on and seeing if we could meet the challenge, not all that great, nonetheless, a daily commitment.  The experimental part of this exercise was writing a short post for each day as a way

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December 27 , 2022 /


{Poem by Alistair Reid) Curiosity may have killed the cat; more likely the cat was just unlucky, or else curious to see what death was like, having no cause to go on licking paws, or fathering litter on litter of kittens, predictably. Nevertheless, to be curious is dangerous enough. To distrust what is always said,

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December 24 , 2022 /


As we change seasons, travel from one time zone to another, move from one place to another there is a noticeable shift in our attitude, outlook and response.  When we move from the familiar to the unfamiliar, there is a period of adjustment of adaptation and becoming comfortable with the change.   Change is easier

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December 20 , 2022 /


Making something new or doing something you have never done before can be a creative act of learning, growing and changing.  Perhaps you need to let go of something old in order to have space and time for something new.  It could be a new skill, a new activity, a new connection, a new project,

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December 19 , 2022 /


Perhaps smaller than goals, more immediate and conscious, we set out to be or do something intending for it to happen because we have engaged our thought into an action.  We have heard “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  It was first published in Henry G. Bohn’s A Hand-book of Proverbs in

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